Wooden Lawn Ornaments

    lawn ornaments

  • (Lawn ornament) Lawn ornaments are decorative objects placed in the grassy area of a property.


  • (woodenly) ungraciously: without grace; rigidly; “they moved woodenly”
  • Like or characteristic of wood
  • Made of wood
  • Stiff and awkward in movement or manner
  • lacking ease or grace; “the actor’s performance was wooden”; “a wooden smile”
  • made or consisting of (entirely or in part) or employing wood; “a wooden box”; “an ancient cart with wooden wheels”

wooden lawn ornaments

Lawn Ornament

Lawn Ornament
My neighbor makes wooden lawn ornaments to sale all year long. I saw this one drying in her backyard -I think she missed the mark on "Baby Jesus" – He looks like a "Wise Guy" more than a baby – but I am sure she will sale this quickly – people like "Folk Art".

Giant Beetle

Giant Beetle
A giant wooden beetle climbs a tree.